青年工作員 (洪水橋青年空間)

0 year(s) work experience
五天工作週 / 醫療保險

Job Description


  • 負責籌辦各類青少年活動及帶領小組
  • 負責籌辦興趣課程
  • 協助單位地區工作及學校活動
  • 協助行政統籌或其他指派之工作


  • 香港中學文憑考試五科考獲第2級或以上成績,或具備同等學歷
  • 具大專或以上程度優先考慮


  • 具備媒體創作、數碼科技及運動等技能優先考慮
  • 擅長文康體藝技能


  • 熱愛兒童及青少年工作
  • 主動、獨立及具責任感,擁有良好分析力
  • 良好溝通技巧,善於與人溝通,喜歡團隊工作
  • 具多元興趣及青年工作技能,如藝術、數碼媒體或有帶領活動經驗優先考慮


求職者須前往青協招聘網頁https://erecruit.hkfyg.org.hk參考職位詳情及遞交網上申請。 如職位的日常職務涉及與兒童經常接觸,申請者須提供性罪行定罪紀錄。申請者如3個月內仍未獲見,則作落選論,其資料亦會被即時銷毀。如獲面見而不獲取錄者,其資料將於招聘程序完成後1年內被銷毀。


Job Function
Work Location 元朗
Benefits 五天工作週 / 醫療保險
會考 / 中學文憑
Skills 溝通能力 / 組織能力 / 團隊合作
Employment Type 全職 / 合約
Industry 慈善機構 / 非政府組織 / 社會服務

About company
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 香港青年協會
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) is the city’s largest youth service organisation. Since its establishment in 1960, the HKFYG has been providing opportunities and facilities for the social, educational, cultural, emotional and physical development of young people. Income is obtained primarily from government subvention, as well as grants from the Community Chest of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, other trust funds, programme fees, and both private and corporate donations.

The HKFYG, through its youth membership network, provides quality services that address the issues and concerns of young people and promotes healthy all-round development. Over 80 service units organise more than 25,000 activities annually, with attendance to the various programmes nearly six million a year. Over 450,000 registered members are engaged through the online platform, easymember.hk and the HKFYG app.