+853 88037878
Each dish reflects the Robuchon philosophy of respect for the original flavor of the ingredients using a classic cooking style. They have wine collection with over 5,000 classic French, Italian, American, Spanish, German and Portuguese labels. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 3 Starred Restaurant (2016-24)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Additional Information
Restaurant change name from Robuchon a Galera
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room Details
Parking Details
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
珍珠雞配鵝肝 香煎鹿兒島和牛伴紅酒燴幼蔥及薯仔梳乎厘 脆炸軟滑雞蛋配魚子醬及煙三文魚 魚子醬拼盤 鮮蟹肉及蕃茄千層餅伴牛油果 鹽焗法國沙鴨胸伴香滑鵝肝配時令水果香露
Review (95)
Level4 2023-05-02
Lunch. Been looking forward to a day trip to Macau ever since CarRacer got the car permit to cross the bridge. (Spent a total of 3 hours return in the car. Not bad.)Ordered a combination of appetizers and mains to share. Here’s what we had.Hors d'oeuvre: Red prawn waffleAmazing assortment of bread Appetizers Impérial caviar and king crab refreshed with crustacean jelly and blobs of cauliflower cream- def not for those with trypophobia…Warm salad of white asparagus and sea urchin with black garlic dressing.Deep fried Japanese egg, spinach purée and Mimolette cheese cloud. Signature dish is signature dish. Morel mushroom with comte cheese ravioliCream of Brittany oyster served with green asparagus and Espelette pepper.MainsRoasted Black cod and Malabar pepper sauce; bok choy and coconut foamPan fried Hokkaido scallops with fregola (pearl-shaped pasta) and creamy white wine sauce Wagyu beef châteaubriand (cut from the center portion of the tenderloin) made “Rossini" style (ie served with a crouton and a slice of pan-seared foie gras) with vintage Port wine Pan fried French baby lamb rack served with eggplant paste. Herbs salad on the side plus an unlimited supply of chicken consommé and fish broth. Really wanted to try the quail too; but our stomaches were too full. Dessert trolley- spoilt for choice. Plus signature Napoleon as bday surprise. In summary: truly decadent meal. Well-deserved ⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-11-30
餐廳環境優美,有夜景有音樂,而且每位價錢比香港的robuchon 便宜大概$400。酒也不算太貴,連埋飲酒每人不用$4000麵包甜點任吃,有成架推車的選擇非常多種類所有菜式都好吃,服務也非常好,因為特不吃牛肉,想吃鵝肝,但鵝肝又不主張配雞或魚。所以廚師特地煎了兩片大foie gras給我。結果我吃一片就吃不下,太大方了😂走前還帶走了他們的檸檬蛋糕,非常好吃份量超大個,吃了3天都沒吃完😂到澳門還會再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-11-15
天巢開盒閂盒,三粒白松露令全房石油氣味良久不散。上次遇咁爆,已經係羅馬Pergola,亦係米三。- 貢多拉脆脆白松露,上要係comté溝忌廉- 經典魚子啫喱,魚子一般- #可試 Niçoise沙律日本蛋吞拿魚腩,味道奇佳,吞拿魚腩來自西班牙罐頭。係罐頭,西班牙嘛。原條,大約三條中揀最靚果條用- Langoustine 意粉,汁底已爆再加大閘蟹,面身就食唔明。- #必食1 鵝肝牛柳,醒唔起食過,但呢次會記得了,實在太好,鵝肝入口未㗳已滑過喉嚨。#必食2 鵝肝鴿更完美,reduction 濃到似濃縮生抽但唔累贅。#和師傅論盡澳門西餐吹到五點獲益良多#聽到今年白松露價錢食唔起喇#再刨出血 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-08-01
提前一個月預定澳門唯一米芝蓮三星Robuchon au Dome天巢法國餐廳,已成為澳門高檔餐廳指標。先說飲食的環境裝潢:金邊網狀式屋頂,朱銘大師的設計完全與新葡京酒店設計混合天衣無縫,凸顯出酒店的整體風格,錦上添花!美食:麵包的香氣從載滿麵包的麵包車撲鼻而來。麵包車幻化成桌上得麵包籃,不同種類的麵包擺盤非常漂亮!熱烘烘的多種類麵包:煙燻培根麵包、佛卡夏、可頌麵包、柑橘味麵包、花生芝麻味麵包~真的是包羅萬有,每種口味都愛不釋手~我建議女生可以點三道菜($998 )就夠了,因為上菜中途也會供應不同種類的精緻麵包小食和甜品。進入餐廳也要注意Dress Code。魚子醬的菜式是天巢的signature dish。海水味在你口中爆發,一發不可收拾,太美味了~香煎法國小羊排伴香草沙拉: 很香的小羊排,一點都不酥,很香的味道,口感軟嫩,值得一試!整體服務以及菜式我也非常滿意。大家值得來體驗!Tips:經典菜式大多數都是需要加錢的喔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
總覺得澳門嘅 Robuchon 人生一定要嚟一次雖然香港都有 但始終香港地小澳門嘅氣派實在強大得多還記得舊舖懷舊嘅法國裝修配上滿天星星嘅天花燈深深印入腦海之中恍如昨天⋯10年人事幾番新 今次嚟到同一個品牌轉左地址亦已經變得好摩登 一入門口首先聽到鋼琴師美妙嘅琴聲加上整幅落地玻璃嘅設計 自然日光影照住無數開心嘅面孔真係心情靚靚咁食幾個鐘都唔覺咁矜貴嘅法國餐呢度嘅食客自然都好配合咁坐足兩三個鐘 今日時間還早12:30嚟到唔太肚餓同幾個朋友都係點左呢款兩個 appetiser + Main course set $1198 每$1000 港幣 = $ 1030 澳門錢抵食左丁丁😂港妹自我感覺良好首先捧上熱辣辣嘅麵包 真係全部新鮮焗出嚟好有水準 會問要有鹽牛油還是無鹽牛油 係起一舊好似蛋糕上面咁嘅嘢刮出來牛油10分香滑 少啲定力嘅話麵包都會食飽咗送上一個黃黃地色蒸蛋咁嘅物體佢唔係好重味但旁邊有塊脆脆地陪襯好想食跟住我點左頭盤一:特色法國尼斯沙律半吞拿魚呢個好得意 中間係一粒綠色嘅半熟蛋頭盤二:煙燻鴨肝白蘆筍沙律配黑蒜(add $100)鴨肝薄薄幾片好好味 白蘆筍好特別Main course: 香烤龍蝦🦞(add $200)真好味 朋友點左個(羊add $150 )和(牛add $400)都好好味 另外原來佢個頭盤有個蘑菇湯真係超級超級好好味 見佢個名咁普通仲冇點到 但試左朋友一啖 真係好香好足料 全口充斥菇菇香味另外一個朋友揀左個頭盤(魚子醬 +200)嗰個影相又係靚到暈 唔好以為四道菜會唔夠飽其實佢度度菜都係好filling 而且甜品嗰part 仲要成架車咁推過嚟俾你揀真係食到3:30pm 非常十分之飽如果胃口真係好大嘅可以揀佢menu signature$2688 食足佢八道菜嘅set 食完四道菜第日都仲係回味無窮建議可以大家叫啲唔同嘅share 因為佢嘅份量其實都唔細 👍🏼第日唔需要隔離來澳門慶祝生日or結婚周年紀念日真是相當之合適的不過記得要一早訂定因為呢段時間呢度都係淨係做午市以後疫情冇咗嘅時候應該更加難訂位今日聽到28/5 2021 佢哋又做返晚市了~對於喺澳門住嘅朋友真係天大喜訊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)