店鋪主任(特設店長佣金) 粉嶺/太子

E.P.S.A. Corporation Limited
刊登於 2024-06-12

太子 / 粉嶺




達至銷售目標 監督同事的服務水平,帶動團隊有效地向顧客提供優質服務



*每月6天例假(輪休) *每天8小時工作 (輪班)

*年終雙糧 *酌情花紅 *員工每月購物優惠

*新人獎金$6000 *員工推薦獎金 *出勤獎金($500)及超時工作津貼

*門診及交通津貼 *年假12天起 *有薪病假及生日假 *新人獎HK$6,000

Interested parties please send full resume with availability, present and expected salary to our Human Resources Department at[via Apply Now]

Candidate not invited for interview within 8 weeks may consider their application filed for future reference. The E.P.S.A. Corporation Limited is an equal opportunity employer. We value the diversity of individuals, ideas, perspectives, insights and values, and what they bring to the workplace. Applications from all qualified candidates are welcome.

Personal data collected will be kept and handled confidentially by authorized personnel for recruitment purpose only. It may also be disclosed to our subsidiaries or associates to process the information for appointment. Applicants who are not contacted within four weeks may consider their application unsuccessful. The applications will be retained for a maximum period of 12 months after the selection process is finalized and we may refer suitable applicants to other vacancies within the Group. A copy of our Personal Information Collection Statement can be provided upon request by contacting HR & Administration Department at the above email address.

Issued by The E.P.S.A. Corporation Limited.

工作地區 太子 / 粉嶺

E.P.S.A. Corporation Limited